A little about me
I’m an elder millennial movement nerd turned Feldenkrais® teacher.
I’ve been many things in my life: an artist, barista, member of the US Navy, dancer & performer and all of that has led me to where I am now.
In each of those life phases I experienced the standard aches and pains that come with life and was able to brush it off. As I get older my body loudly lets me know just how much it did not agree with how I am using it
(Particularly my lower back will squawk with pain.)
Then I discovered Feldenkrais®. I’ve tried all the standard things from stretching to chiropractic, they helped but I kept reinjuring the same things. Feldenkrais® gives me a way to learn what my body was doing and choose to move differently within my own personal limits.
Intrigued by the changes I felt in my body, I enrolled in a Feldenkrais® training and here I am 4 years later. I am now able to do more physically than I did in my 20s with less pain and the confidence and comfort in the knowledge that just because I’m not able to do something one way doesn’t mean that is the only way to do it.
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